Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cheap car insurance VS vehicle modifications

(Source: PressDispensary)

Any change to circumstances during the term of a car insurance policy could, if not communicated to your insurer, render it invalid, warns car insurance comparison site Tiger.co.uk. However small, all changes should be reported to your insurance provider or you may find that they will not pay out in the event of a claim.

This includes modifications to the vehicle itself, moving house, getting married or simply parking the vehicle somewhere different from the place detailed in the original application. Likewise, if a driver has declared the car use as being for ‘social and commuting’ when in fact it is subsequently being used for work, this should also be declared.

Many drivers who have modified their car during the period in which they are insured could have unwittingly invalidated their car insurance. It is not only changes under the bonnet that could affect the insurance contract but any aesthetic modification that offers no performance benefit may also lead to invalidated policies if not notified. This means that if you are involved in an accident you could end up having to pay for the cost of the damage out of your own pocket. If your car insurance company refuses to pay out due to an undeclared change in circumstances it can also make it harder to get insurance in the future. When considering making modifications to your car it is worth bearing in mind that they do not usually help you to obtain cheap car insurance in the first place. Modified car insurance can be expensive, adding to the overall cost of your motoring.

Some vehicle modifications that drivers should inform their car insurance provider about are:
Alloy Wheels
Non-Standard Stereo
Non Standard Lights
Changes to the upholstery
Graphics and decals
A new paint job
”Go-faster” stripes
Removing badges

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